Cannibal cop Gilberto Valle plotted to slaughter his future bride with the help of a depraved Pakistani “butcher” who bragged about his skills — and even sent the officer a video of a goat’s throat being slit, the feds said yesterday.
In an online chat with Valle last year, a nut job who called himself Aly Khan said he “would love to slaughter a girl and make her meat,” according to a transcript read aloud in Manhattan federal court in testimony by FBI Agent Corey Walsh.
“I killed few goat to see what happens to the animal and how its done,” Aly Khan wrote in a typo-filled, sadistic back-and-forth with Valle, according to documents entered into evidence.
“i fond it easy. Its just to use some arm power to lay it down. tie it a little and cut its throat.”
To back this up, Kahn sent Valle a graphic YouTube video of someone slitting a goat’s throat halal-style, in an effort to educate the cop about butchery and show him that anyone can do it with a little practice.
The video is so sickening, prosecutors have been barred from showing it to the jury. Only a still picture of a knife against a goat’s throat in the moment before slaughter was entered into evidence.
Valle — who met Aly Khan on a Web site for human-meat-obsessed perverts — wrote in one chat that he was “trying to pick out a girl who i can send over” before saying “i can talk my girlfriend into going to india,” where Walsh said Aly Khan claimed to live.
“If you bring her here, i promise i will make a good meal for you,” Aly Khan wrote in January 2012 about Kathleen Mangan, the woman who would become Valle’s wife about six months later.
The butcher said he would kill Mangan as humanely as possible, adding, “i can’t resist her meat.”
“Will you participate in the slaughtering process with me,” Aly Khan asked.
“Absolutely,” Valle, 28, wrote back.
“I have longed to butcher and cook female meat.”
The two also shared twisted plans to humiliate Mangan. They would “tie her down spread eagle” and take turns raping the woman, mother to Valle’s baby daughter.
“It would humiliate her. do you have something to keep her mouth open? otherwise she will bite,” Aly Khan wrote
“Hell yes,” Valle replied.
He added, “She is a sweet girl. I like her a lot. But I will move on.”
While Aly Khan claimed to be a butcher in India, Walsh said the feds actually traced his IP address to an unspecified location in Pakistan.
After Valle said that his girlfriend was a vegetarian, Aly Khan remarked that “her meat quality be slightly less.” “She will taste like a tasty goat, . .” he added.
Cannibal cop plotted with goat-slaughtering 'butcher' to kill wife: feds
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Cannibal cop plotted with goat-slaughtering 'butcher' to kill wife: feds